UX Research Project: GoFood Case Study
Hello! 😊 My name is Annaya Putri Prakarsa, a fresh graduate who is fascinated and eager to learn about UI UX Design. Currently, I’m participating in a UI/UX Design Bootcamp that was held by Dibimbing.id. This UX Research Project: GoFood Case Study is one of the projects from the boot camp.
Role: UX Researcher
Scope: User research, analyzing, behavior flow, in-depth interview, competitive analysis, user feedback, online food delivery services
Timeline: 3 weeks
Tools: Miro, Figma, Google Slides, Google Meet.
Research Background
Online food delivery services are at their peak in Indonesia since the pandemic hit in 2020. One of them is GoFood, a locally made online food delivering service that has been around since 2015. Originally, GoFood is one of many services that Gojek provides besides GoRide, GoCar, GoSend, and many more. Similar companies that serve the same service as GoFood such as GrabFood (Grab) and ShopeeFood (Shopee), got more attention presumably because of their promotional offers. My team and I would like to know the user behavior, user pain points, user needs, user expectations, and user perspective towards GoFood and other similar apps.
Research Objectives
Objectives are used for guidance for details of what we intended to get for this research:
- Knowing the users’ motivation in choosing the GoFood app
- Knowing the pain points that are faced by users while using the GoFood app
- Understand what features are needed by the users while using the GoFood app
- Understand users’ expectations towards GoFood app
- Knowing users’ perception of the GoFood app
- Knowing users’ consideration and comparison among GoFood competitors, specifically GrabFood and ShopeeFood.
Methodology for this research is an In-depth Interview. We were able to gauge user emotions and feedback toward current GoFood, GrabFood, and ShopeeFood app during the interview.
We collected 7 data from our respondents, with 2 of them being loyal users of GoFood, 2 of them are preferably using GrabFood, and 3 of them using 3 different apps (GoFood, GrabFood, and ShopeeFood) according to their needs.
Key Research questions and area:
- User profile
- General behavior when ordering food from GoFood
- General behavior when ordering food from GrabFood/ShopeFood
Our Respondents
We recruit respondents based on the answers we get through screening questions via google form. The requirements are:
- Demographic: User who is actively using food delivery service app (GoFood/GrabFood/ShopeeFood) at least 10 times in the past month
- Nationwide users
- Female/Male
- Age range: 18–55 years old
User Feedback
“Aku pilih Go-Food karena lebih komplit restorannya.”
“Saya berharap ada fitur untuk order makanan lebih dari 1 tempat supaya bisa menghemat biaya ongkir”
Research Results
Through an in-depth interview, we found out about users’ behavior flow when using GoFood and other online food delivery service.
After we collect all the data from the interview, we use Affinity Diagram to categorize each opinion based on each point of our research objectives.
User Persona
User persona is a representative fictional character that uses our product so that we can understand the targetted user's behaviors, goals, and pain points better. This is GoFood’s user persona after finding out about their problems and user experiences.
A. Users’ Motivation in Using GoFood
- Interesting discount vouchers
- GoFood has more tenants than the other food delivery service
- Menu photos are much more complete, easy to imagine how the food looked like
- Easy Payment
B. Factors that users consider when choosing an application to order food
- Cheaper price because of the discount voucher
- Wide variety of restaurants
- Easy access to all kinds of payments
- Excellent delivery service and GPS accuracy
Opportunities based on users’ consideration and motivation on choosing GoFood
- GoFood has an advantage over any other competitors because of the partnered tenants’ diversity, users can choose freely depending on what they desire. GoFood should maintain the simplicity for tenants to register, so GoFood remains to be an app with the most complete restaurants option.
- Promo or discount voucher is crucial so that customers’ loyalty stays engaged. GoFood can keep up the copywriting and making the promo advertisement to be spectacular because that would be the best way to attract more customers.
C. Users’ pain points when using GoFood
- The service should be improved, such as the location accuracy on GPS, and difficulty of searching the driver especially in high demand and rainy season
- Lack of important feature that is based on our needs
- Promotion or discount voucher seems unattractive compared to others
D. Features that should be added to GoFood based on customers’ needs
- One time order from different restaurants
- The rating and review of each food should be in order, from lowest to highest
- More attractive voucher discount advertisement
E. Customers expectations towards GoFood
- Drivers are trained to deliver food in a perfect condition
- GPS location that is easy to pin and accurate
- Help to find what they should eat, and menu picture should look the same as when it arrived
Overall, like other online food delivery, users expect GoFood to have an excellent service in terms of delivery. They want to be accessible to order foods they like, delivered on time, at an accurate location, and with the correct order.
F. Customer perception toward GoFood
- Lack of features based on our needs
- GoFood has the best interface, that is easy to navigate
- GoFood seems didn’t have an attractive promo and few options
Competitive Analysis
GoFood vs ShopeeFood
Even GoFood has many advantages rather than ShopeeFood, the promo is very crucial for users’ acquisition in a short period of time.
Users tend to use ShopeeFood because of the discount voucher, and users would constantly come back using ShopeeFood because they feel benefited from the price they pay.
GoFood vs Grab Food
Over years, these 2 major company seems to have had a hard time in terms of winning customers’ heart. The one thing that matters in user acquisition even in a short period of time from GrabFood and GoFood are the completeness merchant.
Opportunities and Solution
- Only 3 respondents claimed that the promotion of GoFood was helpful and easy to apply, but other respondents complained that the promotion seems unattractive compared to other apps. GoFood should add more enthralling discount voucher advertisements.
- The menu pictures are useful and appealing to users, but star reviews and photos seem to differ from the real food. Internal GoFood’s team should be selective and request every tenant to give real photos, also GoFood should provide an open talk or comment section so customers can add an honest review, also add options which food from which tenants that’s lookalike.
- The feature of one-time order from different restaurants would help users to buy food effectively and hopefully lead to budget-saving.
From the User Perspective between GoFood and other competitors, we can learn
Attractive promotion and the completeness of merchants can influence people to move from one app to another. Apart from those, we can learn from 2 users who was Go-Food loyal user’s and 2 users who were a GrabFood loyal users, the level of excellence of service and feature would win user’s hearts in a long period of time, that they would feel comfortable in using GoFood rather than any app.
How to win user heart, from user’s perspective:
Features that answer what users need in their daily life is what make the users stay loyal towards a certain app.
Lesson Learned
Throughout this UX research case study, starting from research planning to research report, I learned a lot from the users. We found out that user satisfaction and fulfilled expectations will be the most important aspect in order to win the market competition.
“People ignore design that ignores people.” — Frank Chimero, Designer